i just want a neat and compiled list i can search to use the bathroom ffs
Bathroom data is from UGA Architects (but I had to change/add some data because some is wrong/out of date)
blah blah not affiliated with UGA Architects or UGA FMD
Please let me know if anything presented here is inaccurate; I cannot verify all of them myself and the list I took from is probably out of date: Click to send to my UGA email
Building | Rooms |
Click on a room number to see a floor map of where it is
Click on the map to zoom in (opens a new tab)
Eventually there'll be a campus map and a building map for each bathroom.
You'll click on the building number to see where on campus it is and the room number to see where in the building it is.
I have maps of all the floors as PDFs, I am just trying to work out the best way to show them. oh wait it's there now
also sry mobile users for not optimizing it for you
edit after checking myself: holy hecc this sucks on mobile
Maybe turn the maps into drop downs? idk i'm lazy